Sunday, June 13, 2010

Required Reading #1

YouTube Comes to the Classroom – I agree YouTube can be a great way to motivate students. Most of them go to YouTube daily so we need to take advantage of some of this time to enhance learning. In math classrooms, I can see students creating a rap, song, poem, etc. on many different topics that would help them remember how to work certain problems such as Pythagorean Theorem, properties of parallelograms, completing the square and many others. I agree that students do want a voice and also want to be heard. I can see my students getting real excited if they posted a math video and could see that others have watched it. I know many teachers that will stick their heads in the sand like the article says but if they can see some of us having success with it they might change their minds. My system does allow access to YouTube, but I think if I was going to put a link to a video on my website I would download it so they don’t have direct access from my website to YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. My school system blocked YouTube as well. I am glad Holly showed us how to download videos.
